Friday, 4 December 2015
Thursday, 3 December 2015
Monday, 2 November 2015
Mourning Becomes Electra (critical analysis)
Analysis of ‘Mourning becomes Electra’
Jasani Nidhi
Submitted to: M.K. Bhavnagar
University, Department of English
Email id:
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· Introduction
‘Mourning Becomes Electra’ is a play written by American play
writer Eugene O’Neil, Published in 26th October 1931, in New York
City. Eugene O’Neil was born on October 16, 1888, in New York City(O'Neill) . He was the first
American play writer who receive Nobel Prize for literature, for his play. He
was one of the most admired playwrights of all in their time. His dramatically
work are, Anna Christen (1922), his master piece is ‘Long Day’s Journey in to
Night. His great plays, including Beyond the Horizon (1920), Strange Interlude
(1928), Ah! Wilderness (1933), and the Iceman Cometh (1946).
The play divided in to three parts, 1. Homecoming, 2.The
Hunted and 3.The Haunted. The play is begun with the description of the house.
The timing of the play is set at the end of the American civil war, an
adaptation of the greatest of the Aeschylus’s trio logy.
· Critical Analysis
The play begins with the description of the Mannon house, it was dark and
grayish. It was spring time in the garden of the Mannon. Mannon family is the
center of the play. In the play we found that, Brigadier general Ezra Mannon
recently comes home from war. Christine Mannon is wife of Ezra, recently she
comes from tour. Christine has lover, Adam Brant. He has similar face to Ezra.
Their daughter Lavinia knows about her mother love affair with Adam. That’s why
she fells jealousy. May be for this reason she hate her mother and think that
her father needs her. In homecoming we found that mother and daughter rival for
love of Ezra and Adam. In the play when Ezra come home from the war, Lavinia tries
to latch his attention towards her, but Ezra first talk and give attention or
priority to Christine, as he love her. (Guide)
Christine cannot give
attention to Ezra and only think about her lover. When Ezra has a heart attack,
she gives him poison rather than medicine. At the end of the play we found that
Orin kill his self with the gun. Orin
gives one envelop to Hazel. Then Lavinia board up the window and throw out all
the flowers then she enters in dark library of her father, alone and shut the
door. Entire Mannon family died. Orin in
envelop, he writes about the history of entire Mannon family. In which he says
that Lavinia is the most interesting criminal of all. She only became pretty
like their mother on Bran’s island, with the natives staring at her with
desire. The name of Mannon family may be related with ‘Mammon’ and the family’s
materialism. All three parts are contains four to five acts. That’s why
‘Mourning Becomes Electra’ is extraordinary lengthy for drama.
O’Neil said that “By the
title Mourning Becomes Electra I should to convey that Mourning befits Electra;
it becomes Electra to Mourn; it is her fat; black is becoming to her and it is
the color that becomes her destiny.”
In all his play generally
Eugene O’Neil’s play illustrates the struggle between the life and death. And
in which human express natural sensual desires and love of other or even of the
life is overcome by death. This all things are derives from the puritan
religion, death in life connected with society’s values, isolation, war, and
physical death. In the play we found all things are dark and grayish colored.
Darkness connected with death, pervades the plays: Homecoming for instance,
begins with the sunset, moves in to twilight and ends in the dark of night; the
hunted takes place at night; the Hinted spans two evening and a late afternoon
and dictates the inevitable coming of night, darkness and death as Lavinia
retreats to rejoin the host of death Mannon. Here we found that the Mannon
house itself seen by audience at the beginning of each play(Baraiya) .
The cure of this house stems from
the effects of materialism, puritanism and alienation. From the perspective of
material, Mannon are rich. They have all the things they have huge house, how
many lives are there. Christine and other family member have material security.
But they longing for emotional security. Nobody lives happily in house. When
we look at Mannon house we found that there is garden, is barren without
flowers. It cannot give pleasure. There is an old man with grey hair, he take
care of garden. It shows Mannon house is very old. The house is lifeless,
because there are many people living in house but not happily. The shape of the
house is like pyramid, it is a kind of grave. Symbolically it shows that it is
not house of Mannon but it is a grave of Mannon family. At the end of the play we
found that enter Mannon family was died. The color of the house is gray; it
symbolized the dullness of family member.
First part of the play homecoming of
General Ezra Mannon from the war. But in actual sense it is not homecoming,
going far from the home. He is lucky who come alive from the war but his own
family member became weapon for him. Ezra’s wife kills him to giving him
poison. Why his wife kills him? She kills her husband because of her love
affair with Adam. When Christine needs Ezra, he is not with her. He stays away
from 10 year. May be that’s why she love Adam, but they cannot marry because
Ezra is alive so she kills Ezra. If Ezra was died they can marry. We found that
Adam wants to take revenge of death of her sister, so he developed good
relation with Mannon family. We found kind of love triangle among Lavinia, Adam
and Christine. One Rison for attraction is the face, face of Ezra and Adam are
similar looking. Both mother and daughter want to marry with Adam. Peter love
Lavinia but she cannot love him. Here one observation is, Lavinia may be not
love him, but she dislike her mother and her mother likes Adam. She feels
jealousy towards her mother that if she marries with him she becomes happy.
Here we found one question that
really Christine murder Ezra, giving him poison? May be Ezra becomes more happy
looking that Christine taking care of him, and in state of overjoy he died.
Suddenly he gets attention from his wife and he cannot bear it so he was died.
It is question that who kill him love or poison? In one seen Orin and Lavinia
both secretly follows their mother, Christine who goes to meet Adam in east
Boston. They listen whole conversation of them. Then Orin shoots Adam, and he
died. Orin kill Adam because Christine love Adam, she cannot give attention to
him. Orin love his mother, here we found oedipal complex in this play. After
all this Christine kills herself. Only two member of Mannon family was left.We
found that Orin become Ezra, he looks like Ezra and Lavinia becomes Christine,
she looks like Christine. After looking at Lavinia Peter thinks that she is the
ghost of Christine. Here Eugene O’Neil put ghostly seen,
someone sings a song near to the house, and also dark shadow of someone is
shown on the wall of the house. The Mannon family is very famous and people
feel proud on them because they are connected with army. Orin as last male
member of Mannon family he writes criminal history of Mannon family. Orin also
committed suicide after giving envelop to Hazel, she is also important
character in the play. Orin told her, she should open it if: 1 something
happened to him and 2 Lavinia tries to marry Peter.At the end of the play
O’Neil trays to says that the story of Mannon family is going to darkness.
· Conclusion
In this play we found that he uses symbols frequently and effectively.
This play is continuation of the Greek tradition. In this one play he uses two
complex “Electra” and “Oedipal”. Lavinia
says that no one is remaining, I will give punishment to myself, and she locked
herself in to his father’s library. Mannon house becomes the grave of Mannon
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- Works Cited
Baraiya, Saeyu. 'the Mourning Becomes Electera'.
4 November 2014. 2015
Guide, Navigate Study. Mouring Becomes Electra
Essay-Critical Eassay. n.d. 2015 <>.
O'Neill, Eugene. Mourning Becomes Electra. New
York City, 1931.
English language Satan or Saraswati. English is good or bad?
Topic: English language Satan or
is good or bad?
Name: Jasani Nidhi
Submitted to: M.K. Bhavnagar University,
Department of English
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Everything in world has
two sides. One coin has two part or sides. We found everything has two part god
side and bad side. Same thing we found in ‘English Language’, some says it is
god and some says it is bad especially in country like India. In India we found
so many languages, each stat have their own language. We have one Gujarati
idiom or proverb “Bar gave bolibadlai” it means after some distance
orremoteness language of people is change. In India we found there is always
conflict regarding doable face of English language, is English harmful or
Positive side of English language
(English as Saraswati)
The rise of English has
mainly taken place in India over the last two or three decades. In present time
English become ‘global language’ because in world wild millions of people use
it as their native (mother) language and millions of children used to learn
English in their school. That is why English is famous language. English became
status language among the Indian people. Indian person who know English and
speak English is fell superior then other people. English makes us different
from other people. English is language of status.
English language is only medium to communicate with other
country. English is international language; rather we can say language of
global communication. English is helpful to establishing good relation and
communist with other countries. Through English we deeply study and come to
know about different background and culture of different country. Through
internet we study culture of nay country, every country introduce their culture
in English language.Mobile, laptop and any other electric devise we found
English is there, without knowing English we can’t operate those devise. In
social media we found lots of use of English language, even when we need help
of Google or any kind of Google search we need English language. Even one can
search in any other language like Hindi or Spanish they must give command to
Google only in English though one search for their native language. Google
understand only English and this is the biggest advantage of English language.
Other advantage of English is, very helpful when we go outside of our native
place or out of country. It happened with some of my friends. They go outside,
suddenly they forgot their path and they lost in unknown place. They all are
varied because on one knows English, and people surround them they only
understand English. One of them know little English, with the use of English
they reach right place. At that time we can says that English is proved as
helper (Saraswati) for them.
At some point English is became ‘LinguaFranca’. LinguaFranca is Latin word. Dictionary meaning of Linguafranca is ‘a common language
consisting of Italian mixed with French, Spanish, and Greek and Arabic that was
formally spoken in Mediterranean ports, other is something resembling a common
language (- Merriam Webster). In very simple way linguafranca is language
which is used as common among people, and English is linking language. The term
linguafranca becomes so common that it continued to be used for any
‘universal’ language. English is became global linguafranca.
is thread language of communication in trade and business. Through English we
do successful baseness outside of our country, and urn more and more money.
English is the best helper for doing baseness in other country. During
mid-twentieth century many colonies and country became independent, they take
English as their official or semi-official language. English is the language of all kind of field
like, commerce, economy, politics, science and technology, and all kind of
knowledge is available in English language. More than 80% people use English for
academic and social purpose. English is the most spoken language, with use of
this language one can communicate with people of any country. Now days we found
that any kind of forms whether it is academic, official, governmental, banking
and any kind of form are in English.Without knowing English how one can fill
those forms, for filling the form we need English language.
English is global language? Because it is the language we found everywhere,
here and read every day, even in packaging of small chocolate. People used to
send their children in English medium school. English is most spread over world
wild and most spoken language. Number of
country in the even through Hindi, Chinese Spanish and many other have number
of native speakers speaks in English language. There is so many advantage of
English language.
Negative side of English language ( English as Satan)
English language is good but we found
there is bad side of English. First I would like to say that English is
language of colonialism. We found bad impact on native speaker and native
language also. At some point we found that class discrimination, a person who speaks
in English language in regular life they feel that they are superior then non English
speaker people. There is lack of appropriate word, how one can introduce their
culture through English. There are linguistic gapes. Because there is some
words only used in native language, there are not found in English. For example
a word like “khichdi” is not found in English language, there are so many
Indian words are not available in English. So how one can truly expresses and introduces their
culture without knowing proper word of the cultural or native word, and how one
can understand this kind of word without context or meaning of the word.
Sometime person feel ‘poor’ when it comes to expresses their feeling, ideas and
emotion in English language, they don’t know proper word in English for the
word of their native language. When reading any kind of English writing
sometimes one cannot understand or found appropriate meaning of the word, so it
create lack of pleasure, sometime cannot rich to original meaning of the word
and paragraph. That’s why one can’t get pleasure. When any little child (other
language speaker) sends to study in English medium school, at that time child
became confuse. Child has to give more attention and concentration on other
language. Because of giving attention to that, sometime creativeness of the
child is died. From this perspective English is killer of the creativity of
as global language is good but some question is raised up in my mind that which
English is used as global language. There is American English and British
English. We found spellings of some words are different and some pronunciation
of word are different, for example spelling of “colour” is not right in
American English, it is not accepted in computer also, for this the right
spelling of the word is “color”, at this state one became confused that which
one is right and which one is wrong. Because when we wright word “color” in
exam paper is wrong, when we type “colour” is wrong, there are so many word
like this word.We also found some grammatical errors or mistake and vocabulary
difference(Wikipedia, English as global language) .
So it is big question that which English is
correct English, that’s why it is difficult to accept English as global
language (which English is original English? Which English is used as global
some point we found English is assassination or destroyer language of other
languages. English became popular among people, so native speaker used to speak
in English, that’s why importance of native language is go down. English makes
other language unnecessary, it make people unwilling or unable to learn other
language. People think that they use English only so no need to learn other
language. There is a different between death of language and murder of
language, death of language means language itself is going to died (language is
disappears naturally) whereas killing of
language means with the more use of one language and other language is not in
much use that’s why gradually language is dead. For example in India ‘Sanskrit’
is going to death and with the use of English language much other Indian language
is killed like Hindi, Gujarati and many other (almost died). Now days we found
that native language is almost remove form the news, social media also from
education system.
some good and some wicked part of English language. For sum-up we can says that
it is very difficult task to find out negative side of English language, but
there are bad part of English. At some level English is as global language is
god but in some point English is not good. English is helpful to understand what
American or foreign think about us. Through studying English Gandhi and other
freedom fighter defeat British people, because one must defeat person through
knowing their language. English became weapon to fight with British people(Wikipedia, English language British) . It is useful to
fill up any kind of forms and many other things.
people cannot understand word properly and create misunderstanding. People need
other peoples help to feel up the forms, sometime they feel sham that’s why
they cannot understand what is it and give wrong information. We found there
lots of good side and bad side of English language. I found that there is good
or positive side of English more than negative or bad side of English. In short
English is helpful and useful language.
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Works Cited
wikipedia. english as global languade. n.d.
2015 <(>.
—. English language Brithish. 2015. 2015
<( 2005)>.
Saturday, 31 October 2015
Feminism in to the Lighthouse
Topic: Feminism in
‘To the Lighthouse’
Paper: 9
Name: The Modernist Literature
Name: JasaniNidhi R.
No.: 16
Class: M.A. Sem.3
Year: 2014-2015
Enrolment No: 14101018
Submitted to: M.K. Bhavnagar
University, Department of English

Virginia Woolf was pure feminists. She
was born in 1882. Virginia has huge family, and she is youngest daughter of
large family. Her father name was Leslie Stephen, he was critic and
philosopher, and he was very famous in Victorian England. Virginia also gets
something from her father as heritage. Her father have rich library, that’s why
she used to read book from it. Virginia also get chance to meet great writers
like Thomas Hardy, William Thackeray and many other. She get chance to listen
her father scholarly talk with that great person. Her mother’s name was Julia
Stephen; she was the daughter of William Makepeace Thackeray. In childhood
teacher come to her home for teach her, she did not used to go to school. At
that time she think that why her father denied her to get formal education like
men. She think that ‘Why I can’t go to school?’ Virginia and her brother Thoby,
both are member of well known ‘Bloomsbury Group’. The Bloomsbury group was
known as notorious group. Aestheticism and feminism are main idea of this
group. Her sister Vanessa was painter. She paint cover page of the Virginia’s
book or novel. Virginia marred with Leonard Woolf. He was taking care of her
and appreciates her extra-ordinary talent. She committed suicide by drawing
herself in a river (1941). Virginia was well read and knowledgeable person,
elegant style. In Virginia’s novel we found an intellectual commitment to
political, social and feminist principles.
· What is feminism?
In feminism we found that women should have economic,
political and social equality with men. Term feminism is refers to political
movement and right to vote for woman. We found that not only woman but anyone
can be feminists like men and women, girl and boy. This term also can be called
as a feminist movement. This movement and feminists are demand men and women
all are equal without any kind of boundary. Feminists appeal for equality and
freedom for women. The feminist critic wants to explain gape the gender gap, men
are superior to women. We found huge gender gap among man and woman. This
movement is known women’s liberation movement, and women’s right to vote.
The first feminist book was ‘A vindication of the right of
women’ by Mary Wollstonecraft. The term feminism is adopted world widely and
socially also. Feminism is “The theory of the political, economic, and social
equality of the sexes. And another one is organized activity on behalf of
women’s rights and interest. This term was first used in 1895.” (According to
Merriam-Webster Dictionary) At some point feminism have not any ‘fundamental
definition’, it is in very wilder sense. It draws attention to women’s issues
in men mad society. In short reading of any kind of book with perspective of women
is known as feminist reading of the book.
· Feminism in Virginia’s other work. (her quotation)
in Virginia Woolf book we found intellectual commitment to political, social,
economic and feminist principles. She writes about suffering of women in patriarchal
culture especially British patriarchy. Virginia found that omitted by men from
being the maker of these masterpieces, so she created for women a female
liberation in “A room of one’s own” (1929). In her short story “A society”
(1920), she write about a group of women who join together to investigate the
masculine world. She was very famous, active and interested writer of feminist
question. She portrayed different type of women in various backgrounds. She
also gives many interesting quotation in her different books. Like, “Women must
have money and room of her own if she is to write fiction” “Once she knows how
to read there’s only one thing you can teach her to believe in herself.” “The
history of men’s opposition to women’s emancipation is more interesting perhaps
than the story of emancipation itself.” “It is fatal to be mam or woman pure
and simple: one must be a woman manly or a man womanly.”
· Feminism in To the Lighthouse
When we refer history, we found that
women have to straggle for free themselves from the boundary of men, culture
and religion. Women try to get space in literature also. In 'To the Lighthouse’
we found two female characters Mrs. Caroline Ramsay and Lily Briscoe. The
character of Mrs. Ramsay and Lily Briscoe portray these demanding roles. Both
are totally differing from each other(Pinkney) .
· Character of Lily Briscoe
Lily was guest at Ramsay family’s summer house. She is single; she is in
her thirty-three. She is painter and free minded woman. She played role as a
truly liberated female artist. Lily is representative of pure feminist woman
who change male dominated society to get (achieve) a sense of individuality.
She wants to live her life alone. In the novel we found that Charles Tensely
who says that ‘women cannot write and women cannot paint’ Lily tries to prove
that woman can paint. Through write this novel Virginia proves that woman can
write and through creating the character of Lily Briscoe she prove that woman
can paint. Lily finished painting at the end of the novel, she demonstrate
herself as a truly liberated female artist. Lily was rule breaker, she has
desire to stay away from conventional female culture norms and stereotypes of
male dominated society. Lily maintain her status as medal age young woman, who
valued artistic achievement over the prospect of marriage, it is difficult to
maintain. The burden to conform to specific female gender roles weighs heavily upon
her conscious: “Even while looked at the mass, at the line, at the color, at
Mrs. Ramsay sitting in the window with the James, she kept a feeler on her
surroundings lest someone should creep up and suddenly she would find her
picture looked at(Feminism in To the lighthouse essays) .”
Lily faces many problems
and suffers from a typical male dominated society, her desire to pursue art or
painting as a vocation because she is woman, and we found male prejudice upon
woman. In novel we found that she peak paintbrush instead of needle. She was
aware about gender stereotypes. Lily doesn’t marry in her life. Lily has
confident on her art and painting. In this novel Lily’s art is essentially
metaphorical a radical political statement of feminism ideals. Lily is unable
to obtain an empowering sense of female liberation. Lily finished the painting
at the end of the novel; the first section emphasizes sense of self as an
artist and as a woman living in world ruled by men. In the novel she is outsider of the family. Lily drowns a painting of Mrs. Ramsay sitting in the
openly transparent window of the cottage with James, her youngest son and doing
knitting. They both have their portrait painted by Lily, looking at them
through the window from position outside on the law(Feminism in To the lighthouse essays) .
Here we can says that
Virginia create character of Lily as young woman and free woman with art of
painting. At one point Lily’s painting is actually painted by Virginia herself.
When we look at painting what we found in painting, is the framing of the
other woman. In painting what Mrs. Ramsay is doing? She doing very typical
household work like, taking care of James and knitting. We can say that
Virginia cannot give free spas to Mrs. Ramsay, even in painting also. In this
novel we found clash of gender ideologies much of the novel and Virginia
emphasizes a subversion of traditional female gender roles through character of
Lily Briscoe. In novel we found struggle to obtain and assert female autonomy
is constantly threatened or undermined by a society built upon patriarchy or
male dominated society.
· Character of Mrs. Ramsay
Caroline Ramsay is very beautiful, charming and nurturing character. She is
loving and caring wife of Mr. Ramsay. She is thread of Ramsay family; she holds
all Ramsay family together. In novel we found that she is like very typical
Indian woman, who wake up early in the morning, go into kitchen, make breakfast
for family member. She like to decorating dining table. She used to serving
delicious food to family member and guest also, she believes in hospitality. She
wants to remain present in mind of family member. In chapter-1 she is alive,
but even in chapter-2 after her death Mrs. Ramsay remain central character.
Everybody in family remembers (miss) her a lot through the novel. In the
chapter -3 we found that Lily revisited her memories related with Mrs. Ramsay,
and makes harmony with her ghost (memory). She recalls what Mrs. Ramsay tall
her about marriage and she also remember her one sentence, ‘close the door and
open the window’.
We found that Mrs. Ramsay is character, who is constantly
present not only as worldly presence but also in the mind of the family
members. She takes all responsibility of family. In novel we found that when
she asked for money from Mr. Ramsay ask her question. She is not economically free
woman; she must have to give falsify or record of the money, sometime he refuse
to give. But she cannot give counterpoint to her husband; she is perfect housewife or homemaker. It is very difficult to maintain both husband and her son
James. Sometime James became angry that his mother cannot give attention to
him, she only talk and love my father.
· Conclusion
There is so many things
related with feminism are found in novel, this is only fling view of it. We
also found Virginia try to connect Greek mythology in the book. In Greek
goddess are in center. Here we compare character of Mrs. Ramsay with three Greek
mythical characters like Rhea, Demeter and Persephone. Mrs. Ramsay is symbol
of female principal in her life. Many women in novel either or silently subvert
conventional female gender roles. We found that the three daughter of Mrs.
Ramsay's daughter silently reject the life that their mother chose for her. They want
to live their life as Lily live.
Works Cited
Feminism in To the light house essays. 31 December 1969. 31 October 2015
Pinknry, Makiko Minow. Virginia Woolf and the
Problem of the subject. 1. America: Edinburgh Uinivercity press, 2010.
key terms of Postcolonial studys
Topic: Key Term of
Post – Colonialism
Paper: 11
Name: Post – Colonial literature
Name: JasaniNidhi R.
No.: 16
Class: M.A. Sem.3
Year: 2014-2015
Enrolment No: 14101018
Submitted to: M.K. Bhavnagar
University, Department of English
For evaluate My Assignment clik here
· Introduction
What is
post- colonialism? Before we understand post- colonialism, we must know about
what is colonialism? And what is colonial literature? Colonialism is all about
relationship of control and influence over its margins or colonies. These relations
are extended to social, pedagogical, economic, political relation between
colonies and colonizer. Colonialism is all about study of marginalia. European
educated, elite class forming layers between the European nation and the
various indigenous people who were controlled. System carried within it
inherent notions of racial inferiority and exotic otherness.
Post colonialism is come after
colonialism. It is the main study of effect of colonialism on cultures and
society. It’s deal with the how European nations controls the “Third world
country” and it’s culture. Post-colonial, as both body and of theory and study
of political and cultural change has gone and continues to go through three broad
1) An initial awareness of the social,
psychological, and cultural inferiority enforced by being in a colonized state.
2) The struggle for ethnic, culture, and
political autonomy.
3) A growing awareness of culture
overlap and hybridity.
literature is typical characterized by its opposition to the colonial. Some
critic have argued that any literature gives or shows an opposite to
colonialism, may be defined as postcolonial. Simon During argues for more
inclusive definition, calling it “The need, in nations or groups which have
been victim of imperialism to achieve an identity uncontaminated by Universalist
or Eurocentric concepts or images(Young) .
· Anti-Colonialism
The term
anti-colonialism is an act of political struggle of colonized people against
the specific ideology and practice of colonialism. Anti-colonialist movements
often expressed themselves in the appropriation and subversion of forms
borrowed from the institution of the colonizer and turned back on them. We
found discourse of anti- colonial nationalism was focused and demand for an
independent postcolonial nation or state. Anti-colonialism associated with an
ideology of racial liberation. In the second half of the 20th
century anti-colonialism was often articulated in terms of radical, Marxist
discourse of liberation, and inconstraction that sought to reconcile the internationalist
and anti- elitist demands of Marxism with the nationalist sentiments of the
period, in the work and theory or early national liberationist thinkers such
as C.J.R. James, Amilcar Cabral and
Frantz Fanon. Anti-colonial frequently perceived resistance to be the product
of a fixed and definitive relationship in which colonizer and colonized were in
absolute and implacable opposition. Anti-colonialism is related with Marxist.
· Magical realism
post-colonial literature we generally found that many writer uses this term in
their writing. In this method of literature in describing the imaginary life of
indigenous cultures that experience the mythical, magical, and supernatural in
decidedly different fashion from western one. In book of Rushdie he uses this
magic realism, in his book ‘Midnight’s Children’ he uses this term. It
connected with the wonderful, where these two worlds undergo a “closeness or
near merging.”
It is new transcultural form that
arises from cross cultural exchange. It can be social, political, religious,
etc. It is not always a peaceful mixture, for it can be contentious and
descriptive in its experience. It is cross between two races or two different
cultures. There are two definitions as under,
Catalysis: The
experience of several ethnic groups interacting and mixing with each other
often in a contentious environment that gives way to new forms of identity and
Societies that arise from a mixture of ethnic and racial mixing to form a new
material, psychological and spiritual self-definition(Key terms in post-colonial Theory)
So, after all we can say it is remix, it means two different things are
mixed with each other. For example now a days we are wearing ‘kurta with jeans’
so it is one type of hybridity. We can see it everywhere in fast food, clothes,
festivals, marriages, etc.
The process by which “the orient” was constructed as an
exotic other by European studies and culture. Orientalism is not so much a true
study of other cultures as it is broad Western generalization about oriental,
Islamic, and/or Asian cultures that tends to erode and ignore their substantial
It refers to
the Orient or East, in contrast to the Occident or West, and often, as seen by
the West, often as a form of radical realism. Orient came into English from
Middle French orient. Since the 18th century, Orientalist has been
the traditional term for a scholar of Oriental studies. In 1978, Edward Said
(Palastinian – American) published his influential and controversial book,
Orientalism, which “would forever redefine” the word.
The division and classification of human beings by physical
and biological characteristics. Race often used by various groups to either
maintain power or to stress solidarity. If we can say in simple words so that
race is the division, in gujarati we can say ‘Vada’. In our country India we
can see different castes for example Brahmin, Kshudra, Vaishy, etc. While in
some countries we can find class division and or difference between colors of
human beings. For example in animals also we can differentiate that the black
cow and white cow. So as same in human beings also color of skin is different.
So we can say that difference in human beings are everywhere whether in India,
America, Africa, etc. But difference is everywhere. So now let’s know some
other term as under,
The voluntary enforce or enforced migration of people from
their native homelands. Diaspora literature concern with questions of
maintaining or altering identity, language, and culture, while in another
culture or country.
The term is
derived from Greek word and it means “scattering”. There are many writers who
wrote diaspora literature like Salman Rushdie, Sujata Bhatt, JumpaLaheri, etc.
These all writers are in home sickness and so they write about their homeland
and what they are feeling there. So in this type of literature writer wrote
about their country and remembering those days and write poems or any other
form of literature about it.
For example in
the movie ‘Swadesh’ we can see that Shahrukh Khan also feel like that and
remember his own country. And one song related with it like,
‘Ejodesh he
teraswadesh he teratuje he pukara…,
Ejobandhan he
jokabhi tut nahisakata, Ejodesh …’
So in this
song also we can feel the feelings of their own country, so it is also like
Diaspora literature. And there is another example in movie like ‘Yejavani he
Diwani’. In this movie also we can see that the character of Kabir who is also
is in this condition. And he is also suffering from homesickness. There is one
song related with it as under,
‘He fakira man
ja, re kabiramanaja…
Tuti char
paivahi, mittikisunaivahi
Rasta dekhe…’
So in this
song we can understand that how he remembered his country and he feel home
Commonwealth Literature
literature does not exist by Salman Rushdie but he is one of the key
representatives of contemporary commonwealth literature. As a Indian-British
novelist, he is world famous for his novel Midnight’s Children (1981) which won
the booker prize. Most of his books are set in India and have a particular
emphasis on history.
What is
commonwealth? The original phrase “the commonwealth” or “the common weal” comes
from the old meaning of “wealth” which is “well-being”. The term literary mean
“common well-being”. Commonwealth means British nation and political community
founder for the common good. It deals with public welfare. Commonwealth
literature has been generally used to refer to the literatures of colonies,
former colonies and dependencies of Britain excluding the literature of
England, commonly it shows the nationality.
So, after all
we can say that commonwealth literature means master slave relationship. It
means inferior nations are in under the powerful nation.
So, after all
I want to say that if we understand these all terms so we can easily understand
the post-colonial literature. And these all terms are opened our new ideas
regarding the literature. And we can find or applying these all terms in
literature with its appropriateness. These all terms are like windows in the
home through which we get fresh air as same in literature these all terms are
like windows through which we can understand literature through new look. So we
must have to know these all terms as a student of literature. Otherwise we
can’t understand any literature without it.
So, it’s
wonderful experience for me to get understanding about these all terms.
Works Cited
Key terms in post-colonial Theory. n.d.
Young, Robert J c. Postcolonialism (A very short
introduction). New York: Oxford University Press, 2003.
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Friday, 30 October 2015
My Presentations of Sem-3
Topic; Comparision of Hester with Meera
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comparision between Hester and Meera from nidhijasani
Topic; Absurdity in the play and in the life
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Topic; Absurdity in the play and in the life
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Absurdity in play (waiting for Godot) and Absurdity in life from nidhijasani
Topic;What is Orientalism?
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Topic;What is Orientalism?
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What is Orieantalism? from nidhijasani
Topic; Role of Institution
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Topic; Role of Institution
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